Sitting down with jumbled thoughts to priotise for the day and take action, I asked myself what is the essence of these repetitive actions everyday.

Wake up in the morning meditate on your bed or sometimes rushing to get up because you overslept.  Some days you wake up feeling alert whereas on other days you are sluggish and need to push yourself to get things done. Incidentally, days like these could turn out to be rewarding or  frustrating depending on how you handle it.

I need to prioritize for the day without allowing my mind to wonder again. What do I really want to do today. Breakfast – order it or prepare a feast for myself. It feels good turning things around to give your palate some satisfaction. Do I have the time to pamper myself or just go with the flow. Pampering myself won out so  out came the apron for the works. My day is still not priotised. These should have been done last night and not in the morning but then I stayed with friends till late and went straight to bed. Do I need to write out my priorities or play them around in my mind. Putting pen to paper makes it more concrete as you can see the list both mentally and physically. The issue remains when should I priotize for the day.

Getting to the workplace is only a part of my day but I need to arrange how my workplan should look like. Continue with the routine or take the initiative to be creative or more still wait for directives. The thought of being creative make my heart to start palpitating and anticipating new things. It appears am bored and need to do new things to bring that zest back to my life.

The excitement is coming back as I take my plans in hand to actualise them knowing am the only one who understands myself. It seems my priorities are getting in place and I have to rush out once more to see them through.

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